Once again the Coronado 15 NACs traveled to Huntington Lake, one of the most
beautiful and amazing places to race that I can think of. Although the fleet was smaller than we had hoped for, the action was jammed packed with tight racing all over the fleet. 10 boats ended up making the trip to Huntington, and the fleet was greeted with great weather and wind despite the extremely hot temperatures in the valley floor below (which can cause clouds, lighter
winds, and even thunderstorms at times). We had 5 races scheduled on Friday, and racing over the weekend in conjunction with the High Sierra regatta schedule of 3 on Saturday, and 2 more on Sunday. With 10 races in the series, and no throw outs, all of the races were going to be important at this event.
Read the full story from Dave Rumbaugh who held on to his championship title after much drama.