2009 Annual Meeting minutes

Recap of the Annual meeting held at the Nac’s at Huntington Lake on June 20, 2009

The meeting was called to order by the Vice Commodore, David Rumbaugh at approximately 8:10 pm. Also present was Vincent Paternoster as Rear Commodore and Sue Fishman the Secretary/Treasurer. Ryan Schofield was absent as Commodore.


Fleets present were; Fleet 20-Sacramento; Fleet 15- Half Moon Bay, Fleet 2- Marina del Rey, Fleet 16- West Lake.


The board talked about the change last year to the forestay. High Tech line can be used in place of the current forestay stainless line.


There was much discussion about positive ways to build the fleets, ranging from a newsletter to email notices and content from the mainsheet to the website. The consensus was for Vincent to follow up with John Richardson as to the development of the website. The website should include past content from the Catalina magazine, The Mainsheet. The web could be used to publish all C-15 events and have a place to host a C-15 forum. There should be fleet locations with email address of their fleet captain. A maintenance forum would be cool along with a page for boats for sale. There were many new photos taken this year at Huntington that could be used effectively on the website. The bylaws should be updated to include new changes made over the past several years. The goal for the website is to make it exciting and fun place to go for C-15 information.


The second item for new business was a motion to give the hosting yacht club more flexibility in developing the Sailing Instructions. The motion was passed by a 10-1 vote.


This change reads; The hosting yacht club must submit to the Executive Board of Directors, the NAC sailing instructions at least one month before sailing the regatta. The board can approve or not approve the Si’s provision that deviate from the C-15 NAC Racing Policy. If requested the hosting fleet must then change the Si’s to conform to the boards demands.


There was much discussion as to merits of having a regatta without throw outs and having all the races, including the Sid Corp races to count for the championship.


Most of the discussion centered on what would be best format for the enjoyment of the racers.


There was some discussion to travel to the Beau Arts Club in Seattle to join in their district regatta with the idea of getting them more involved with the NAC’s.


After much discussion, it was decided that Fleet 2 would host the 2010 C-15 NAC’s. David Rumbaugh suggested that each fleet host a different night for that evening entertainment. Vincent will talk to his Yacht Club and report back the possible dates. For 2011, Charlie Quest volunteered the HMB Yacht Club as host. Thank You Charlie!



The following were nominated for the C-15 executive board.


Commodore-David Rumbaugh

Vice Commodore-Vince P

Rear Commodore-Kevin Wasbauer

Secretary/Treasurer-Steve Fishman


A motion to adjourn was made and seconded and carried. The meeting came to an end at 9:20 PM.