2012 MidWinters at ABYC

The midwinters took place under clear skies, light breeze and mild temperatures. At the last minute we were able to find a crew (Jessica) for Karyn, who made it to the start lin about 40 seconds before the gun of the first race: way to go!

There were 5 boats that made it – all from fleet 2 in Marina del Rey.

Rank SailNo HelmName CrewName Club
1st 3744 Vincent Paternoster Jim Ach South Coast Corinthian YC
2nd 3067 John Richardson Vadim Mantelzak SBYRC
3rd 3700 Nick sampson Noah Farrell South Coast Corinthian YC
4th 2579 Christopher Hill Nathan Large CSULB Sailing Association
5th 3658 Karyn Jones Jessica South Coast Corinthian YC


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